Thursday, July 07, 2005


While I know that I can't begin to express the pain or suffering that anyone in England might be going through right now, I wanted to reflect for a moment.

I had the privilege of traveling to London with my family during the summer between my junior and senior years in college. I have always been intrigued by the British culture and my visit to London only enhanced my affinity for all things English (seriously...I just want to walk around saying words like "bollocks" and "wanker" all the time...I just sound wrong when I say them).

The people of London are courteous and kind, willing to assist the many tourist that visit their country. The same probably could not be said for our fine country and certainly could not be said for their main competitor in the Olympics race (yeah, Chirac...HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW!).

What I do know is that the people of London and of the United Kingdom will likely experience a similar rejuvenating patriotism that our country experienced in the months following 9/11. I hope that the leaders of the world respond respond rapidly to these terrorists. I know that these attacks will only steel the resolve of the free world to bringing democracy to the world and justice (whatever that may be) to those responsible.

I, myself, look forward to visiting England...hopefully sooner rather than later so I can pump some of those tourism dollars back into the fine English economy.

Cheers, England. We here in America wish you well.

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